Gem in a Box
If you did not need any credentials to get to this page
gem sources -a
If you needed some credentials to get to this page
gem sources -a
and then ...
gem install geminabox
gem inabox [gemfile]
Upload Another Gem
wcmc-components (0.0.1 - 0.0.3)
gem install wcmc-components -v "0.0.3"
gem install wcmc-components -v "0.0.1"
Ruby Gem for common WCMC Components
wcmc_components (0.1.0 - 0.3.1)
gem install wcmc_components -v "0.3.1"
gem install wcmc_components -v "0.1.2"
gem install wcmc_components -v "0.1.0"
Contains rudimentary capabilites for importing CSVs and the backend for a filterable table component